S3E6 Making Friends
Leave a reviewHappy Halloween
© Art and Light Society | 37:56
|Season: 3 |Episode: 6 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Preview
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Happy Halloween
Welcome to the ‘making friends’ episode. Slightly Halloween flavored, filled with lots of friend making advice, mostly fun.
The Truly Friends Game:
Play along by asking a friend 3 Halloweeny questions about yourself, then answer 3 more about them. See how well you know each other.
Jesse & Mr. Sean:
Join 10 year old Jesse & his warm ‘play therapist’ as they explore some of the challenging aspects of making new friends.
Bad Dad:
No dads were harmed telling these jokes.
Being a good friend:
Swara asks her friends a few questions on the topic
Kids Listen survey:
Please take 2 minutes & fill out this form:
Top10 tips to making a new friend:
Chloe came up with great ways to help us all make a new friend.
Online vs. IRL friends:
Ari & his friends James & Max giggle their way through this topic.
Bizarre ASMR:
A bit of a silly one this time.
Mr. Sean, Jesse, Zoe, Momoe, Max, James, Chloe, Swara, Akash & the ‘we who must not be named’ group.
A special thank you also to Tina & Stacia.
© Art and Light Societybop| Status: Active, 29 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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