How were people mummified?
Leave a reviewAncient Egyptians did lots of amazing things, from building pyramids to inventing a form of writing called hieroglyphics. They also mummified important people after they died. In this episode, we’ll explain how that process was done and why. We’ll also meet a museum curator who thinks it might be time to rethink how we study mummified people.
© American Public Media | 00:35:47
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Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Ancient Egyptians did lots of amazing things, from building pyramids to inventing a form of writing called hieroglyphics. They also mummified important people after they died. In this episode, we’ll explain how that process was done and why. We’ll also meet a museum curator who thinks it might be time to rethink how we study mummified people.
Plus, we’ll find out why so many things from ancient Egypt are still around, meet a biker club that loves respecting other cultures and hear an all new Mystery Sound.
© American Public Mediabop| Status: Active, 360 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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