Is it true? Vikings, dogs, and twins edition
Leave a reviewListeners send us LOTS of questions. Like hundreds a month! We read every single one — and we love all of them! Every now and then, we get a special kind of question that starts with “Is it true that…?” These questions are special because they’re skeptical. They’re designed to seek out the truth.
© American Public Media | 00:29:16
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Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Listeners send us LOTS of questions. Like hundreds a month! We read every single one — and we love all of them! Every now and then, we get a special kind of question that starts with “Is it true that…?” These questions are special because they’re skeptical. They’re designed to seek out the truth.
In this episode, Molly and co-host Meyer tackle three “Is it true that…” questions. First, they’ll explore whether twins can feel each other’s pain. Then, they’ll find out if the Vikings had horns on their helmets! They’ll end their quest by discovering whether dogs can see color like we do. All that, plus a tricky new mystery sound!
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© American Public Mediabop| Status: Active, 360 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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