My air came from where?! How oxygen gets around
Leave a reviewOxygen is quite the savvy traveler. We explore how this gas travels all around the world and ends up pretty much everywhere for us to breathe. Plus we'll look at how plants and others make the stuff. And we learn how oxygen ended up on Earth in the first place (hint: it involves super space explosions!). We'll make friends with some molecules, hear about a tiny fart that changed the world and guess an all new mystery sound. Oh, and this week's Moment of Um asks: "if a poisonous snake bit itself, would it die?" This episode is sponsored by Visit Panama City Beach (VisitPanamaCityBeach.com), KiwiCo (kiwico.com/brainson), Quip (getquip.com/brainson) and Calm (calm.com/brainson). You can support the show at brainson.org/donate
© American Public Media | 00:28:00
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Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Oxygen is quite the savvy traveler. We explore how this gas travels all around the world and ends up pretty much everywhere for us to breathe. Plus we'll look at how plants and others make the stuff. And we learn how oxygen ended up on Earth in the first place (hint: it involves super space explosions!). We'll make friends with some molecules, hear about a tiny fart that changed the world and guess an all new mystery sound. Oh, and this week's Moment of Um asks: "if a poisonous snake bit itself, would it die?" This episode is sponsored by Visit Panama City Beach (VisitPanamaCityBeach.com), KiwiCo (kiwico.com/brainson), Quip (getquip.com/brainson) and Calm (calm.com/brainson). You can support the show at brainson.org/donate
© American Public Mediabop| Status: Active, 360 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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