There are 338 episodes

Episode one logo Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Created by: American Public Media

USA 11+6-10

Started: July 25th, 2013

Status: Active, 338 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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Smarty Pass Sneak Peek: Radical Design
00:01:20 | May 3rd, 2024

Looks like Marc has a beautiful new plant but doesn’t know where to put it. Direct sunlight or indirect sunlight? It’s too hard to figure out! But you know what’s not hard to figure out? Whether or not you should play Molly’s new game, Radical Design! Grab your Smarty Pass to see what producers Marc Sanchez and Rosie duPont think homes would look like on other planets!

How to build a house on the Moon
00:29:11 | April 30th, 2024

Humans have visited the Moon but we’ve never lived there. Could we build a home on our lunar neighbor? Join Molly and co-host Ira as they find out why the Moon can be a dangerous place, and what it would take to live there. We’ll imagine a visit to a lunar hotel, hear about all the stuff humans have left up there and even hear a song sung by the Moon herself!

Are there insects in Antarctica?
00:34:25 | April 23rd, 2024

Looking for an escape? Join Molly and co-host Julian as they explore Antarctica! They’ll learn about Antarctica’s massive ice sheets and active volcanoes — plus they’ll meet the largest land animal on the continent! (Hint: it’s black, shiny, and can perch on a pencil eraser!)

How can you tell when food is expired?
00:26:42 | April 16th, 2024

Have you ever taken a big ol’ whiff of rotten milk? It probably smelled like dirty socks or stinky garbage. Blech! But why does food go bad, and how can we be sure that something is fresh and safe to eat?

How does ibuprofen help stop pain?
00:24:02 | April 9th, 2024

Ouch! If you’ve ever stubbed your toe, gotten a paper cut or fallen off your bike, you know that getting hurt is no fun. Sometimes we can take medicine to help feel better, like ibuprofen. But how does that medicine know where to go in our bodies to stop the pain?

Smarty Pass Sneak Peek: Mystery Sound Investigation
00:01:22 | April 5th, 2024

Oh no! It looks like Brains On host Molly Bloom and producer Marc Sanchez are in some deep trouble, and the only way to get out of it is with an extra special game of Mystery Sound. Will either of them be able to guess the right sound? Grab your Smarty Pass to find out!

Everything you need to know before the 2024 solar eclipse
00:26:17 | April 2nd, 2024

On April 8, a total solar eclipse will be visible on a path that crosses North America, from the west coast of Mexico to the east coast of Canada. In this episode, Molly and co-host Aminah cover all your eclipse essentials: What causes an eclipse? What’s it like to experience one? How do you watch one safely? (Spoiler alert: Don’t stare at the sun without special eyewear. Really. Please. Don’t do it.) Plus, indigenous science educator Nancy Maryboy tells us about Navajo and Cherokee traditions during an eclipse and we’ll meet Dr. Ralph Chou, a scientist who has seen 29 total solar eclipses. And, of course, a stellar new mystery sound!

Join us for Brains On live in April!
00:01:01 | March 19th, 2024

Hello friends! We're so excited to announce that Brains On is coming to the east coast!

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This just makes me want marshmallows so bad.


by sunsmith

Created by: American Public Media
Started: July 25th, 2013
Status: Active, 338 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

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