The buzz on bees, pt. 1
Leave a reviewWe’re making a big buzz about bees! Our pollen-collecting friends get so much done, and we’re taking a look at how they live. We’ll bust some bee myths and meet some honeybees for a look at life inside the hive. Our mystery sound is from a listener (here’s a hint: they recorded the sound in Alaska!), and our Moment of Um answers a buzzworthy question: Why do beehives look like hexagons? And! One episode on bees just isn’t enough. We’ll be back next week with more buzz on pollination.
© American Public Media | 00:28:57
Full episode description
Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
We’re making a big buzz about bees! Our pollen-collecting friends get so much done, and we’re taking a look at how they live. We’ll bust some bee myths and meet some honeybees for a look at life inside the hive.
Our mystery sound is from a listener (here’s a hint: they recorded the sound in Alaska!), and our Moment of Um answers a buzzworthy question: Why do beehives look like hexagons?
And! One episode on bees just isn’t enough. We’ll be back next week with more buzz on pollination.
Want to hear more about bees? Listen to The buzz about bees pt. 2 (
Today’s episode is sponsored by Native ( | Promo code: brainson), Laurel Springs ( and Daily Harvest ( Promo code: brainson)
© American Public Mediabop| Status: Active, 352 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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