Coin Trick Trailer
Leave a reviewThe whip-smart but insecure Cassidy receives a treasured coin when she stands up to the schoolyard bully. Soon thereafter, a bicycle accident sends her through a mystical portal into the lost land of the Pueblo Ancestors. There she meets Koko – a.k.a., the flute-playing trickster Kokopelli – and the two team up on an epic quest to confront a giant and restore order to the universe. As they take on challenges based in Native American mythology – complete with monsters such as Rolling Head, the sinister Thunderbird, and an army of frog people – Cassidy learns how to trust her inner voice and accept her own power.
© Full Potential Media | 00:01:00
|Season: 1 |
Full episode description
Start here: Coin Trick TrailerThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
The whip-smart but insecure Cassidy receives a treasured coin when she stands up to the schoolyard bully. Soon thereafter, a bicycle accident sends her through a mystical portal into the lost land of the Pueblo Ancestors. There she meets Koko – a.k.a., the flute-playing trickster Kokopelli – and the two team up on an epic quest to confront a giant and restore order to the universe. As they take on challenges based in Native American mythology – complete with monsters such as Rolling Head, the sinister Thunderbird, and an army of frog people – Cassidy learns how to trust her inner voice and accept her own power.
© Full Potential Mediabop| Status: Complete, 7 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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