There are 432 episodes

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Created by: Eva Karpman podcast

USA 6-10

Started: October 19th, 2016

Status: Active, 432 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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DB 289: What NOT To Do When You First Wake Up!
05:42 | Episode: 289 | January 31st, 2022

Today’s episode is rare in that Eva is telling the Big Dreamers something that they should NOT do!  This is something that many parents (us included) have been guilty of far too often.  But it is a really bad habit, and one that becomes harder to break as the years go by.  Specifically, Eva discusses the habit of waking up and immediately opening your phone to either check email or to otherwise consume other people’s content (we are leaving out motivational content for purposes of this episode).  Eva explains why giving away the precious first 30 minutes of your day to someone else’s priorities is a terrible way to kick off your morning, and shares what she does when she first gets out of bed.  We hope that this episode serves as an important reminder to young and older Big Dreamers to prioritize the first moments you are awake as a time to claim the day as your own — which simply cannot be done by looking at your inbox or watching dance challenges on TikTOk!  For our show notes, visit

DB 288: You Don’t Need A Reason To Be Happy!
05:57 | Episode: 288 | January 24th, 2022

Have you ever met someone who has far less than you in terms of material wealth but is way, way happier?  These people are living proof that you don’t need money to buy happiness.  In fact, as Eva explains in today’s episode, you don’t need any reason to be happy.  You can just decide to be happy.  Eva shares two examples of people who have far “less” than our family — yet are making the decision to be happy.  These people have inspired us to proactively work in 2022 on making the decision to be happy more often, and we know that they will inspire you as well!  For our show notes, visit

DB 287: The Best Gratitude Exercise Of All Time!
05:25 | Episode: 287 | January 17th, 2022

Gratitude is a recurring topic of discussion on the Dream Big Podcast. Over the years, Eva has shared a ton of ideas on how to practice gratitude, from visualization exercises to gratitude diaries to our family’s daily practice of expressing gratitude at the dinner table. Today however, Eva wanted to share her favorite idea for expressing gratitude, courtesy of Tony and Sage Robbins who recently shared how they create an annual slideshow of all their favorite memories from the year.  Not only do they have so much fun selecting the photos and adding their favorite music, but it becomes a slideshow that they can then rewatch whenever they need a good ol’ dose of gratitude.  What a great idea, and Eva shares why she is so excited about creating a 2021 highlight reel slideshow for our family, as well as her favorite apps for creating slideshows with minimal effort (other than going through Olga’s thousands of photos to pick out her favorite ones!).  For our show notes, visit

DB 286: You Gotta Be Hungry (NOT For Food!)
05:29 | Episode: 286 | January 10th, 2022

You Gotta Be HUNGRY! This is perhaps personal development legend Les Brown’s most celebrated quote. When we first shared the quote with Eva, who was then probably 7 years old, she was a little confused. My parents are telling me that I have to be hungry? But when we shared a clip of Les explaining that the phrase does not refer to a hunger for food — but rather a hunger to achieve your big dreams — Eva understood the symbolism of the word hunger. Here, Eva shares what Les means by his catchphrase “You Gotta Be Hungry”, how she applies that sentiment to her own life, and why all Big Dreamers need to be hungry to make their dreams come true. For our show notes, visit

DB 285: The 3 Kinds Of Goals I’m Setting For 2022
06:36 | Episode: 285 | January 3rd, 2022

Big Dreamers, young and old, often get overwhelmed with goal setting, especially at the start of the New Year.  Too many of us just create one long list of all the goals we want to accomplish.  A lengthy single-level list can lead to anxiety, which is the last thing you want when you are setting your goals.  So in today’s episode, Eva shares how she categorizes her goals into 3 main buckets: (1) Skills; (2) Health; and (3) Relationships.  When you organize your goals in these 3 high-level categories, suddenly the goals seem much more manageable (and therefore more attainable).  Eva shares some examples of goals in each of these categories that she has set for 2022, and challenges all Big Dreamers to create a handful of goals in each of these categories as well. Let’s make 2022 our best year yet!  For our show notes, visit

DB 284: You MUST do THIS before December 31!
06:34 | Episode: 284 | December 27th, 2021

As Big Dreamers, we are so focused on the future.  What are we going to do next?  What are our goals for the new year?  And how are we going to accomplish them? As a result, many of us don’t spend nearly enough time reflecting on the past year, and celebrating what we have accomplished.  In this episode, Eva shares the importance of capturing the wins from the past year on paper and feeling gratitude for all the amazing things that happened to you.  This exercise will help energize you for the year ahead!  A special thank you to Big Dreamer Chloe Chan for writing to Eva with a great question that inspired this episode. We hope that Chloe and all Big Dreamers have a great close to 2021 (which you will if you listen to Eva’s advice in this episode!) and an exciting year of growth and progress ahead in 2022.  Finally, be sure to check out the resources section of our show notes, which contain links to 4 past episodes where Eva shares ideas about New Year resolutions.   For our show notes, visit

DB 282: Tis The Season To Be…
05:42 | Episode: 282 | December 13th, 2021

Tis The Season To Be…. KIND.   And guess what, when you are kind, you will also be JOLLY. In this episode, Eva shares a sweet story of a random act of kindness that her sister Sophia recently performed.  It is important to note that  Sophia’s action required no real effort on her part.  She didn’t have to pay for it.  All she did was be thoughtful in a situation where she didn’t have to be, and that made all the difference.  Listen to the episode to learn more about this little, sweet act of kindness that Sophia performed, and why small actions can make such a big impact in your relationships.  Eva also challenges all Big Dreamers to perform a random act of kindness this Holiday season.   Be kind, spread love, and Happy Holidays!   For our show notes, visit

DB 281: Happy Doesn’t Happen To You
05:49 | Episode: 281 | December 6th, 2021

We talk a lot about Big Dreams in our family.  But we talk even more about happiness.  Why?  Because we want our kids to know that achievement alone will not guarantee you happiness.  Look at all the ultra rich people in this world who are very unhappy.   With the holiday season here, there are many who believe that the holiday season will bring you happiness.  You’ll hear the greeting Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, but we all know that there are plenty who will not be happy and merry this holiday season.  In this episode, Eva shares why Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaza, or whatever holiday you celebrate, will not make you happy.  Instead, as Eva explains, it is YOU who makes you happy.  This is a powerful and timely reminder that kids (and adults) need to hear, and Eva shares some practical tips on how to be happy this holiday season.  For our show notes, visit

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Created by: Eva Karpman podcast
Started: October 19th, 2016
Status: Active, 432 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

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