There are 432 episodes

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Created by: Eva Karpman podcast

USA 6-10

Started: October 19th, 2016

Status: Active, 432 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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DB 280: Small Habits, BIG Results!
06:08 | Episode: 280 | November 29th, 2021

Today, Eva discusses the power of small habits.  Given that Eva’s podcast is titled Dream Big, it should not be a surprise that Eva talks mostly about BIG dreams, BIG goals, and BIG action. But it is important to remember that small habits each and every day can lead to very big results over a period of time.  Eva shares some great examples in this episode.  For instance, did you know that if you read just 20 pages per day, you could read 30 books in 2022 (assuming average book size was 243 pages).  I don’t know about you… but 30 books in one year sounds super ambitious to me!  But 20 pages per day seems very doable.  And that is just one of many great examples you’ll hear when you tune in to the 280th episode of the Dream Big Podcast.  For our show notes, visit

DB 279: How To Get Along With Your Siblings (Works for Anyone!)
05:19 | Episode: 279 | November 22nd, 2021

We noticed recently that there have been way too many comparisons being made within our family.  Sophia, our six year old, is constantly comparing (and complaining about) what her older sister Eva is allowed to do.  Why can Eva stay up later?  Why can Eva have sleepovers?  By comparison, Eva gets frustrated that we are not nearly as strict with Sophia and require more contributions from her in the house.  For instance, Sophia sets the table for dinner (which takes only a few minutes), and Eva cleans all the dishes and the kitchen after dinner (which can take 30 minutes or more).  So the focus of this week’s episode is why is it never a good idea to compare yourself to others, especially to your siblings?  Is this a recurring source of tension in your home, like it has been in ours!  Then be sure to listen to this episode as a family and see how much the energy will improve in your home when you stop comparing yourself to others!  For our show notes, visit

DB 278: My #1 Productivity Secret: N.E.T. Time!
05:56 | Episode: 278 | November 15th, 2021

Eva often gets asked how she is able to get so much done — from being a full-time student to hosting the Dream BIg Podcast, not to mention all the extracurricular activities she’s involved in.  And now, Eva is about to launch a second podcast which she will be producing entirely on her own.  So how does Eva find the time to do well in school while still pursuing her Big Dreams.  Today, Eva shares her #1 Productivity secret:  N.E.T. time.  Have you heard of this acronym before?  We first heard it from the great Tony Robbins, and have used N.E.T. to capture 1-3 hours per day of time that would otherwise not be utilized towards pursuing our Big Dreams.  To learn what the N.E.T acronym stands for, how Eva applies the concept in her own life, and how all Big Dreamers can do the same, be sure to listen to this fascinating episode!   For our show notes, visit

DB 277: How To Be Memorable! (A Lesson From My Trip To Florida)
06:16 | Episode: 277 | November 8th, 2021

This past weekend, we enjoyed an extended weekend getaway in Miami, Florida.  It is November and that means it is getting cold in most of the northern hemisphere.  But in Miami, the sun was out, the ocean was warm, and everyone was so friendly.  We also had the opportunity to catch up with lots of friends and family who live in Miami and the surrounding areas.  Eva had a particularly strong connection with our friends Gregory and Iryna, who welcomed us into their home for a wonderful afternoon.  Of course, everyone we visited was super nice to Eva but there was something special about her interaction with Gregory and Iryna that stood out.  As we drove away from their house and waved goodbye, Eva said “Wow! I really like them and hope we can visit again sometime soon.”  What made the interaction so memorable, and what can all Big Dreamers learn from the way Gregory and Iryna welcomed Eva into their home?  Listen to this powerful episode to find out!  For our show notes, visit

DB 276: You Choose Your Destiny. Don’t Leave It To Chance.
05:41 | Episode: 276 | November 1st, 2021

Exciting news alert: Eva is going to be launching a new podcast soon! First off, let us reassure you that the Dream Big Podcast is not going anywhere. This will be a 2nd podcast that Eva is launching to focus on a passion that she discovered the past year, specifically farming and sustainability.  What is different about this new podcast is that Eva will be producing it on her own.  This means identifying guests, inviting them, preparing for interviews, writing show notes and publishing episodes.  Which leads us to the following quote: “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. — William Jennings Bryan.”  We’re very proud that Eva is making this decision to create this new podcast.  It’s been our greatest honor as her parents to help her produce Dream Big these past 5 years (and we’ll continue to do so).  And now we’ll be there to support her and offer guidance while she takes control of her own destiny and works toward the launch of the new podcast.  So stay tuned for big announcements on the new podcast’s name, first guest, and other exciting tidbits.  And again, Dream Big is here to stay!    For our show notes, visit

DB 275: My #1 Secret To Getting Good Grades At School
05:58 | Episode: 276 | October 25th, 2021

At the beginning of the school year, we had a conversation with Eva about her classes.  Our advice was simple: Take the easy wins!  So many kids struggle at school academically because they fail to turn their homework in on time, they have missing assignments, they don’t take advantage of extra credit assignments when offered.   We explained to Eva that her classmates who don’t take the easy wins are facing an uphill battle to get good grades.  Eva has followed our advice, and she has seen firsthand how in some classes where she scored Bs or B+s on her exams, she still has an A overall because she always turns in her homework on time, she participates in class, and she does extra credit.   Eva shares this “secret” with the Big Dreamers, and explains why it is so important to take the easy wins in school and in life.  For our show notes, visit

DB 274: Why We (Almost) Always Fail The First Time
05:07 | Episode: 274 | October 18th, 2021

Rachel Hollis is the best selling author of Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing and host of the Rachel Hollis Podcast.  In a recent interview, Rachel explained how early in her career before she had written her 1st book, she believed that she just had to finish a book and then it would get published.  But when she finished it, no publisher was interested.  Michael Jordan, widely considered the best basketball player of all time, was famously cut from his high school basketball team.   There are many who would say that Michael Jordan’s coach made the biggest mistake of his life, or those publishers missed a huge opportunity by passing on Rachel’s first book.  But Rachel shared: “The truth was that I was not good enough yet and he was not good enough yet and we had to keep on doing the work to get to this place.  That’s what people miss.  You have to keep going.  You don’t know who you are going to be half a decade from now or 10 years from now.”  Expanding on Rachel’s quote in this episode, Eva shares why we can expect to fail (especially on our first try) when we are pursuing our big dreams.  And why it is so important that we keep on doing the work and not give up.  Rachel Hollis and Michale Jordan would have never shared their unique gifts with the world if they had quit!  We all have unique gifts and we must keep on pushing toward our big dreams even when we don’t get the early result we were hoping for!  For our show notes, visit

DB 273: Life Lessons Learned From Bows & Arrows!
05:29 | Episode: 273 | October 11th, 2021

This summer Eva was fortunate enough to go to a sleepaway camp for a few weeks.  When she sent us letters in the mail, she would sometimes include a playing card that she had shot with an arrow during Archery, which turned out to be her favorite activity at camp!  In fact, Eva loved archery so much that her #1 request for the upcoming Holiday season is her own set of bow and arrows.  In discussing with Eva why she loves archery so much, we realized that there are many important life lessons that you learn from archery that apply equally to when you pursue your big dreams.  Hint: Eva shares the top lessons she has learned from archery in this episode!  For our show notes, visit

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Created by: Eva Karpman podcast
Started: October 19th, 2016
Status: Active, 432 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

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