42. How does Yoga help you Relax? How do Springs on a Trampoline help you Bounce so High? Why do Roller Coasters make your Tummy Tickle?
Leave a reviewHow does Yoga help you Relax?How do Springs on a Trampoline help you Bounce so High? Why do Roller Coasters make your Tummy Tickle?
© Molly Oldfield | 10:39
|Season: 1 |Episode: 42 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Trailer for Everything Under The Sun
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
How does Yoga help you Relax?How do Springs on a Trampoline help you Bounce so High? Why do Roller Coasters make your Tummy Tickle?
Hello and welcome to 42nd episode of Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering all the most pressing questions children around the world have about life on earth.
Today our first question comes from Sophia, who would like to know about something I LOVE, which is yoga! She asks how does yoga help you relax?
To answer her question I have one of my favourite yoga teachers ever, Tara Lee, she specialises in teaching yoga to pregnant people, as well as to Mum’s and babies!
Next up is a question aboutsomething bouncy! Trampolines! Isabella asks how do springs on a trampoline help you bounce so high? Find out how they work and how they were invented.
Then it’s time for Douglas from California who would like to know why do roller coasters make your tummy tickle?
Find out what causes the sinking tummy feeling as you whoosh around a roller coaster in this week’s episode!
Make sure to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts and do leave a lovely review if you enjoy the show!
A huge thank you the wonderful Tara Lee for talking to us about yoga and of course a big thank you to Sophia, Douglas and Isabella for this week’s questions!
I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS. Do send in your questions, there’s info about how to do that on the show’s website, everythingunderthesun.co.uk.
I hope you have a lovely week doing yoga, perhaps jumping on a trampoline and maybe even a trip to ride on a roller coaster!
Thank you and GOODBYE! X
Tara Lee – https://taraleeyoga.com
Tara instagram – @taraleeyoga
Everything Under The Sun
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© Molly Oldfieldbop| Status: Active, 152 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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