Who gave numbers their names, and how did they choose them? With Marcus du Sautoy. Do all of our fingers have the same fingerprints? Why do airplane flaps go up when landing, but not when taking off?
Leave a reviewWelcome back to another episode Everything Under The Sun!
© Molly Oldfield | 12:36
|Season: 4 |Episode: 102 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Trailer for Everything Under The Sun
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Welcome back to another episode Everything Under The Sun!
This week we have the fantastic mathematician and author Marcus du Sautoy, answering the question ‘Who came up with the names of numbers, and how did they choose them?’
We also work out the answer to Sam’s question ‘Why do plane’s flaps go up when landing, but not when taking off?’ as well as Delilah’s question ‘Do all of our fingers have the same fingerprints?’
Lots of fun questions to delve into this week and we look forward to exploring them with you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Do check out the BOOK www.mollyoldfield.com/everything-under-the-sun
Check out Marcus’ book, ‘Thinking Better: The Art of the Shortcut https://www.simonyi.ox.ac.uk/books/thinking-better-the-art-of-the-shortcut/
Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites and @everythingunderthesunpod
Twitter: @mollyoldfield
THANK YOU! Do send me a question for the new EUTS book and share with your friends!
Molly x
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© Molly Oldfieldbop| Status: Active, 153 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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