Ask the Flowers to Tell You
Leave a reviewHaving returned from the Moon, Jessi, Wallace and Lurline return to Oz. With their tasks ramping up, it might be time to stop and smell the flowers…
© PJ Scott-Blankenship | 28:59
|Season: 1 |Episode: 8 |
Full episode description
Start here: Prologue: LostThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Having returned from the Moon, Jessi, Wallace and Lurline return to Oz. With their tasks ramping up, it might be time to stop and smell the flowers…
For transcripts and more go to http://www.hitthebricks.com/1×8
This episode starred
Michelle Agresti
PJ Scott-Blankenship
Keilidh Hamilton-Maureira
Jordan Higgs
Layla Katib
Bridge Geen
And Mitchell Mayle
It was written and directed by PJ Scott-Blankenship
Executive Produced and Sound Designed by Chad Ellis
Music by Kathryn Hoss, AP Harbor, Jeff Ball and Jordan Bush
Recording Engineering by Brandon Grugle and Chad Ellis
Story Editing by TH Ponders
Transcripts by Erin M Speckley
Art by Chandler Candela
Audio Consulting and Clean Up by Sage GC and Travis Reaves
Magic Consulting by Geordan Burress
Special thanks to Davis Walden and Multitude.
This episode featured a preview of Primordial Deep. To find out more, go here: https://www.nosuchthingradio.com/primordial-deep
© PJ Scott-Blankenshipbop| Status: Active, 12 episodes | Kind: Story |
The content, Artwork and advertising within this podcast is not owned or affiliated with Sound Carrot and remain the property of their respective owners.