Alakazambra’s Summer Postcard 2022
Leave a reviewSalutations! It is I, Alakazambra Tyesha Morganis, sending you greetings from Flutterbudge Lake Summer Camp where I am saying “I love you” by teaching Charms and Crafts to all the campers!
© The Imagine Neighborhood | 0:03:55
|Season: 4 |Episode: 21 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Episode Zero: The Imagine Neighborhood
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Salutations! It is I, Alakazambra Tyesha Morganis, sending you greetings from Flutterbudge Lake Summer Camp where I am saying “I love you” by teaching Charms and Crafts to all the campers!
This year, camp is extra special. Wanteth to know why? Because Count of Vacula is here as well! He has never been to camp before, so I thought sharing this experience with him wouldst be a terrific way to say, “I love you!”
We are having a spellbinding summer, and Vac is even helping me write a love letter to my boyfriend, Bandersnatch Countyseat. That is, Vac might help me as soon as he calms down from all the goblin glitter he hath eaten off the floor . . . By the Eye of Greldar, that stuff really makes him excited!
I shall see you all again in a few weeks back at The Imagine Neighborhood™, but in the meantime, I hope you are finding all kinds of magical methods for telling your family and friends “I love you!” Sendeth me a letter to tell me about it, and of course, I wouldst be delighted to know—how wast thou kind today?
PS: And remember—pixie wings do NOT go in thine mouth!
© The Imagine Neighborhoodbop| Status: Active, 123 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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