Leave a reviewHave you ever felt upset because somebody else had something you wanted? Maybe your friend got a great toy, or they won an award, or their team beat yours in a game. If you felt sad, or angry, or thought that maybe you didn’t even like that friend anymore, you might have been feeling envy.
© The Imagine Neighborhood | 0:20:35
|Season: 4 |Episode: 14 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Episode Zero: The Imagine Neighborhood
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Have you ever felt upset because somebody else had something you wanted? Maybe your friend got a great toy, or they won an award, or their team beat yours in a game. If you felt sad, or angry, or thought that maybe you didn’t even like that friend anymore, you might have been feeling envy.
If you’ve had envy, you know it doesn’t feel very nice. And in today’s episode, Alakazambra really wants to stop feeling envious of her friend, Barbara Cadabara. It all begins when Barbara gets chosen as Wizard of the Year by Merlin Monthly magazine, and instead of feeling happy for her friend’s success, Alakazambra gets upset!
She tries using magic to make her envy go away, but when the spell accidentally creates a terrible evil twin—EnvyKazambra—Alakazambra realizes it’s going to take something even stronger than sorcery to handle an emotion like envy!
Will Barbara Cadabara spend the rest of her life smelling like minestrone?
Will Irving the bodega werewolf receive enough skritches?
Will Alakazambra learn that to deal with a difficult emotion, you have to claim it to tame it?
For the answers to these and more, there’s only one spell to cast . . .
(But first, don’t forget to have your grown-up join our weekly Wednesday newsletter for awesome episode activities!)
Ready? . . .
Podcasticus Playicus!
© The Imagine Neighborhoodbop| Status: Active, 123 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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