Calculating Apple Pie
Leave a reviewThe nitrogen in our DNA, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies, was made in collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff. Calculating Apple Pie is the second story of Imagining The Future, a five-episode series of STEM- inspired fiction, specially commissioned for Future You.
© (Future You) Melissa Keil | 26:07
|Season: 1 |Episode: 2 |
Full episode description
Start here: Imagining The Future (Far Out!)This is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
The nitrogen in our DNA, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies, was made in collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff.
Calculating Apple Pie is the second story of Imagining The Future, a five-episode series of STEM- inspired fiction, specially commissioned for Future You.
The five stories (The Callistan Cycle) chart the establishment of humanity’s first deep space outpost, on Callisto, the second largest moon of Jupiter.
Listen to Nikita Waldron bring this space exploration tale to life, and discover why messing with the food fabricator code on a ship the size of a city block that’s hurtling through space might not be a great idea…
© (Future You) Melissa Keilbop| Status: Active, 6 episodes | Kind: Story | Episode URL
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