Episode 17- The Future of Housing
Leave a reviewThis Friday brings the new episode of Jack To The Future , The Future of Housing .
© Laura Andrews | 00:36:24
|Season: 1 |Episode: 17 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Trailer Jack to the future
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
This Friday brings the new episode of Jack To The Future , The Future of Housing .
Jack and his special guest, Hannah Green, Founder of @GreenhillEstates talk about their dream home; the role technology plays and could play in the future to buy and sell homes; whether the Estate Agency Industry will still exist and current and future trends with regards to renting and buying. Hannah shares with Jack some unusual and eco properties she has sold in the past.
Jack digests “housing market” talk and offers his own definitions for younger listeners. He shares information about a very unique town in Sweden and an article he read on the future of real estate as part of his research for this episode.
He finishes the episode with an invention of sorts for a futuristic board game …. Listen in to hear more!
The Future of Everything – What’s the future of Real Estate?
© Laura Andrewsbop| Status: Active, 47 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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