S2 – Kidcast School Tour – An Ceann as Gaeilge
Leave a reviewIs there no end to the talents of Múinteoir O’ Cearnaigh’s Rang a Sé at Gaeilscoil na Lochanna?! In this week’s episode we hear their rap, song, interviews with Rang a Dó and a snippet from their rewriting of Irish legend Diarmuid agus Gráinne! But we won’t give away the ending, we’ll leave that to Aodhán!
© Ceire O'Donoghue | 0:08:56
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Episode One: S1 Ep 1 – Didgeridoos, logolepts and drones!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Is there no end to the talents of Múinteoir O’ Cearnaigh’s Rang a Sé at Gaeilscoil na Lochanna?! In this week’s episode we hear their rap, song, interviews with Rang a Dó and a snippet from their rewriting of Irish legend Diarmuid agus Gráinne! But we won’t give away the ending, we’ll leave that to Aodhán!
© Ceire O'Donoghuebop| Status: Active, 30 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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