The Supreme Court and why is it important in our justice system.
Leave a reviewIn this episode , Alma-Constance and Lucinda speak to a judge of the Supreme Court, Lord Stephens of Creevyloughgare who worked as a judge in Northern Ireland before joining the Supreme Court in 2020.
© Alma-Constance, Denis-Smith and Lucinda Acland | 00:16:52
|Season: 2 |Episode: 2 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Welcome to Kids Law!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
In this episode , Alma-Constance and Lucinda speak to a judge of the Supreme Court, Lord Stephens of Creevyloughgare who worked as a judge in Northern Ireland before joining the Supreme Court in 2020.
We discuss the fact that in the UK, we have three different legal systems, one for Scotland, one for Northern Ireland, and one for both England and Wales, and how the Supreme Court sits at the top of the courts in the four countries as the final court of appeal.
Lord Stephens tells us about the system of reviewing courts' decisions by a process of appeal. He explains that the Supreme Court concentrates solely on discussing and deciding issues of general public importance. He also explains how our legal system is different from other legal systems in that we have judge-made law as well as the law made in Parliament.
He thinks that justice and the rule of law are as important for children as they are for adults, since children are affected by laws and court decisions in many different ways. He also tells us about his work in deciding cases that have involved children.
Lord Stephens says that children can expect to be treated fairly and importantly, as individuals, to have their views taken into account. Decisions affecting them need to be properly explained and although they may not yet be able to vote, he thinks that day is not far off.
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© Alma-Constance, Denis-Smith and Lucinda Aclandbop| Status: Active, 54 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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