6. Compassion: Mortimer and the Christmas Owl
Leave a reviewOur virtue today is: Compassion! Mortimer is a happy old cat, content with his way of life when something happens that shakes up his normal. Join us for a snowy, heart-warming Christmas story and learn more about what it means to have compassion!
© Lamplighter Kids Stories | 00:16:53
|Episode: 6 |
Full episode description
Episode One: 1. Beauty on the Inside: The Surprising Birthday Present
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Our virtue today is: Compassion! Mortimer is a happy old cat, content with his way of life when something happens that shakes up his normal. Join us for a snowy, heart-warming Christmas story and learn more about what it means to have compassion!
Discussion questions for kids:
1) How do you think Mortimer felt when he saw that the little owl couldn’t get out of the stocking on his own?
2) Has anyone ever shown you compassion? How did it make you feel?
© Lamplighter Kids Storiesbop| Status: Idle, 66 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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