15 – McGinty’s Farm
Leave a reviewMum is taking Maddie & Triggs to McGinty’s Farm to hear his world-famous animal orchestra. But McGinty’s star performer Gary the Chicken won’t come out of his coop! Can Maddie use her musical skills and expert diplomacy to save the day?
© Turnip + Duck | 0:07:21
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Start here: TrailerThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Mum is taking Maddie & Triggs to McGinty’s Farm to hear his world-famous animal orchestra. But McGinty’s star performer Gary the Chicken won’t come out of his coop! Can Maddie use her musical skills and expert diplomacy to save the day?
© Turnip + Duckbop| Status: Active, 16 episodes | Kind: Story | Episode URL
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