Chapter 13: End of the Line
Leave a reviewLydia and Elijah reach the final stop.
© Milky Way Underground | 16:43
|Season: 1 |Episode: 13 |
Full episode description
Start here: Introducing Milky Way UndergroundThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Lydia and Elijah reach the final stop.
Asher Talty as Elijah
Casey Watkins as Lydia
Aki Imai as the Voice on Tape One
Magali Charron as the Voice on Tape Two
Julian Koster as the Voice on Tape Three
Regina Fernandez as the Narrator
More information about Milky Way Underground: https://milkywayunderground.com
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© Milky Way Undergroundbop| Status: Active, 18 episodes | Kind: Story | Episode URL
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