Ep #16 – Interview with Lori Taylor, Author of the Holly Wild Series!
Leave a reviewDid you ever want to write and Illustrate your own book?
© K.B. Carr | 00:32:52
|Season: 2 |Episode: 16 |
Full episode description
Episode One: Ep #1 – Nature Just Got Real-It's a Podcast!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Did you ever want to write and Illustrate your own book?
This week, I interview Lori Tayor, Artist, Author, and Illustrator of the Holly Wild Series, a fictional series set in various Michigan parks and outdoor adventure areas. Even though it's a fictional series, the places where Holly and her friends have their outdoor adventures are all real places right here in Michigan. I haven't been to some of them, so now I can't wait to check them out!
If you haven't read this series, Summer is a great time to explore new places through books!
Also, Chuck Darwin gives us the word for fear of the outdoors, Jack answers a question about the difference between Authors and Illustrators, and Tito gives us some cool facts about one of Lori's pets. (Hint: I feature this cutie in one of my own books and I'd loooove to get one!)
Go have a reading, writing, and exploring adventure in your neighborhood with the Holly Wild Series!
You can watch this podcast as a video here:
Here are the links for this show:
Lori Taylor's website: https://loritaylorart.com/
Lori Taylor's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXVAbgTiPF-EpIkKoXN6TNg
My book featuring the W&W Creature Feature: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YL1MGVH
Website: https://www.weirdandwackyplanet.com/
FaceBook: https://facebook.com/weirdandwackyplanet
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/kbcarrautho
email: naturejustgotreal@gmail.com
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© K.B. Carrbop| Status: Active, 36 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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