Episode 02 – The Hall of Incinerators
Leave a reviewPixie and Waine take a long walk to visit Grissel, the eternally grumpy keeper of Hel’s incinerators. They come away with secret knowledge that excites Pixie.
© Rick Coste | 10:28
|Season: 1 |Episode: 2 |
Full episode description
Start here: PreviewThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Pixie and Waine take a long walk to visit Grissel, the eternally grumpy keeper of Hel’s incinerators. They come away with secret knowledge that excites Pixie.
Cast Information:
Starring Nichole Goodnight & Owen McCuen
Visit PixieShow.com for cast information, merchandise, and more!
Written and Produced by Rick Coste. Past projects include Inhale, The Behemoth, Bryar Lane, Is There Anybody Out There? ,Carbon Dreams,Scotch, Charlie’s Mailbox, The Fiona Potts Interview , Izzy, and Waterguns & Rainbows.
Artwork by Cotton Valent
Music by Tangent Music, LLC
Learn more at ModernAudioDrama.com.
©2018 Rick Coste Productions
© Rick Costebop| Status: Complete, 10 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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