There are 61 episodes

Episode one logo Episode One: Introducing REACH: A Space Podcast for Kids
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Created by: Soundsington Media

USA 6-1011+

Started: June 1st, 2020

Status: Active, 61 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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REACHing Out: Why is our sky blue?
00:03:44 | Episode: 10 | August 18th, 2020

REACHing Out are bi-weekly mini-episodes where we answer YOUR Questions. This week’s question comes from Millie in Canada (via her big brother Abi) who asks “Why is our sky blue, but space is black?”

Exploring the Red Planet with Christina Hernandez, Gary Jones, & Daniel Bateman
August 11th, 2020

On this episode of REACH , Brian and Meredith learn more about the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover from a very special guest, we have an activity that will make you want to suit up, and we get a visit from the sixth planet from the sun. 

Exploring the Red Planet with Christina Hernandez, Gary Jones, & Daniel Bateman
00:32:50 | Episode: 9 | August 11th, 2020

On this episode of REACH , Brian and Meredith learn more about the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover from a very special guest, we have an activity that will make you want to suit up, and we get a visit from the sixth planet from the sun. 

REACHing Out: How many Earths fit in the Sun?
00:03:41 | Episode: 8 | August 4th, 2020

REACHing Out are bi-weekly mini-episodes where we answer YOUR Questions. This week’s question comes from Will and Jack from Charlotte who ask “How many Earths fit in the Sun?”

To Mars! with Michael Staab, Randy Havens, & Sarah Smail
00:26:14 | Episode: 7 | July 28th, 2020

On this episode of REACH , Brian and Meredith learn about NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission and more as we are joined by an expert in launching these missions and receive a very special visit from the red planet itself on our segment “Did You Know…?”

REACHing Out: Is Pluto a planet? What is the biggest star?
00:04:17 | Episode: 6 | July 21st, 2020

REACHing Out are bi-weekly mini-episodes where we answer YOUR Questions. This week’s questions comes from Addison in Canada and Alex in Utah who have questions about Pluto and about stars which we answer with a little help from Dr. Aaron Geller. 

Exoplanets with Ashley Walker & Marc Evan Jackson
00:23:12 | Episode: 5 | July 14th, 2020

On this episode of REACH  Brian and Meredith ask the questions “What is an Exoplanet?,” “What does the hashtag #BlackinAstro mean?,” and more before we are joined by an expert Astrochemist and Planetary Scientist and a very special visit from our closest celestial neighbor  on a segment entitled “Did You Know…?”

REACHing Out: Why is Mars Red?
00:02:39 | Episode: 4 | July 7th, 2020

REACHing Out are bi-weekly mini-episodes where we answer YOUR Questions. This week’s question comes from Zoë from Toronto who asks “Why is Mars red?”

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Created by: Soundsington Media
Started: June 1st, 2020
Status: Active, 61 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

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