Black Jack Justice (10) Hammer of Justice
Leave a reviewJack may not know much about art, but he knows what he likes… and what he doesn’t. He doesn’t much like Nick Franklin’s looks, or his self-satisfied grin or his manicured fingernails. What he does like is a client that can afford a fat insurance policy and a couple of gumshoes to go with it. But can Jack and Trixie fit in with the arty set enough to protect Franklin’s latest “discovery”? Where will they stand when the Hammer of Justice falls?
© | 23:18
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Start here: The Red Panda (Original Universe) 2 – Oil Be Home For ChristmasThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Jack may not know much about art, but he knows what he likes… and what he doesn’t. He doesn’t much like Nick Franklin’s looks, or his self-satisfied grin or his manicured fingernails. What he does like is a client that can afford a fat insurance policy and a couple of gumshoes to go with it. But can Jack and Trixie fit in with the arty set enough to protect Franklin’s latest “discovery”? Where will they stand when the Hammer of Justice falls?
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