Black Jack Justice (20) – Sabien’s Law
Leave a review“Law stands mute in the midst of arms” they say. Well, that proves one thing anyway; old man Cicero never met Police Lieutenant Victor Sabien. He’d never stood mute a day in his life. And with ol’ Square Jaw and the Girl Detective working at cross purposes through his office… to say nothing of the dynamic duo of Sgt Nelson and Freddie the Finger Hawthorne underfoot… well, can you blame the poor guy?
© | 31:04
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Start here: The Red Panda (Original Universe) 2 – Oil Be Home For ChristmasThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
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“Law stands mute in the midst of arms” they say. Well, that proves one thing anyway; old man Cicero never met Police Lieutenant Victor Sabien. He’d never stood mute a day in his life. And with ol’ Square Jaw and the Girl Detective working at cross purposes through his office… to say nothing of the dynamic duo of Sgt Nelson and Freddie the Finger Hawthorne underfoot… well, can you blame the poor guy?
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