Black Jack Justice (30) – Now Who’s The Dummy?
Leave a reviewThe life of a private detective is one that tends to keep a fella behind the times. After all, if you’re sitting on top of the world, you rarely find yourself in need of a pair of low-rent gumshoes. Sometimes a little nostalgia isn’t a bad thing… and sometimes the line between reality and anything-but is paper thin. Those are the days that leave a fella asking… Now Who’s The Dummy?
© | 23:04
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Start here: The Red Panda (Original Universe) 2 – Oil Be Home For ChristmasThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
The life of a private detective is one that tends to keep a fella behind the times. After all, if you’re sitting on top of the world, you rarely find yourself in need of a pair of low-rent gumshoes. Sometimes a little nostalgia isn’t a bad thing… and sometimes the line between reality and anything-but is paper thin. Those are the days that leave a fella asking… Now Who’s The Dummy?
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