Marvellous Boxes (05) – Remembering the Martians
Leave a reviewAren’t unexpected visitors the worst? They show up out of nowhere and turn your whole world upside-down. Funny thing is, sometimes you miss them when they’re gone. This week, Tim Prasil’s Marvellous Boxes looks back at some guests that turned history on its ear. Join us and spend some time… Remembering the Martians.
© | 28:39
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Start here: The Red Panda (Original Universe) 2 – Oil Be Home For ChristmasThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Aren’t unexpected visitors the worst? They show up out of nowhere and turn your whole world upside-down. Funny thing is, sometimes you miss them when they’re gone. This week, Tim Prasil’s Marvellous Boxes looks back at some guests that turned history on its ear. Join us and spend some time… Remembering the Martians.
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