Play It Again! Justice in Love and War
Leave a reviewAll good things must come to an end, my friends, and so our summer stroll down memory lane comes to a close with this final episode. And it just wouldn’t be a finale without a big finish, would it? So call the neighbors and wake the kids… tell the arts council to make with the grant money already… it’s the full-on, hard-boiled, gender-inverted Black Jack Justice starring Clarissa Dernederlanden as Jack and Scotty Moyle as Trixie Dixon, girl detective.
© | 23:41
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Start here: The Red Panda (Original Universe) 2 – Oil Be Home For ChristmasThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
All good things must come to an end, my friends, and so our summer stroll down memory lane comes to a close with this final episode. And it just wouldn’t be a finale without a big finish, would it? So call the neighbors and wake the kids… tell the arts council to make with the grant money already… it’s the full-on, hard-boiled, gender-inverted Black Jack Justice starring Clarissa Dernederlanden as Jack and Scotty Moyle as Trixie Dixon, girl detective.
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