BITES – Dog poo in the bin
Leave a reviewYou are enjoying a walk with your four-legged friend, when they do a big stinker on the street. Don’t worry — you’re prepared! You’ve brought the dog poo bags! But do you really have to carry the smelly parcel of poo all the way home? Is it okay to put your dog poo in someone else’s bin?
© Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 0:03:12
Full episode description
Episode One: Can you trust a robot?
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
You are enjoying a walk with your four-legged friend, when they do a big stinker on the street. Don’t worry — you’re prepared! You’ve brought the dog poo bags! But do you really have to carry the smelly parcel of poo all the way home? Is it okay to put your dog poo in someone else’s bin?
Thanks to Genevieve for this stinky dilemma!
© Australian Broadcasting Corporationbop| Status: Active, 156 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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