There are 257 episodes

Episode one logo Episode One: Supergreat Kids’ Stories – Trailer
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Created by: Wardour Studios & Kim Normanton

UK under 5's6-1011+

Started: September 23rd, 2020

Status: Active, 257 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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Wardour Studios & Kim Normanton

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The Afanc – the Welsh Water Monster
00:24:59 | Season: 1 | Episode: 223 | August 2nd, 2024

We have a legendary Welsh water monster to kick off this month’s theme of watery stories. The Afanc is described as a cross between a crocodile and a giant beaver. This enormous creature is causing floods and eating anyone who comes near. Many brave souls have tried to kill it, but its hide is so tough that no spear, or arrow can pierce it. How can the local people stop the Afanc from flooding their land? Listen to Welsh singer/storyteller Gillian Brownson and find out.

Why The Corn Doll Has No Face
00:21:27 | Season: 1 | Episode: 222 | July 26th, 2024

According to this Cherokee legend, Unetlanvhi, The Great One, created little corn people to help the first woman on earth, with the chores. The corn people were very beautiful, but spent more time admiring their reflection, than helping out. The Creator was not happy, and did something dramatic to teach them an important lesson about beauty. Listen to Lisa La Rue Baker tell this traditional tale from the Cherokee Nation and discover what happened. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Thor and the Stone Giant
00:26:07 | Season: 1 | Episode: 221 | July 19th, 2024

Thor, the Norse god of thunder goes on a quest to ask a favour from Hymir the stone giant. The two of them embark on a fishing competition. Thor comes close to disaster when he hooks out of the ocean a ……. Listen to Jason Buck tell this entertaining Norse tale to find out what he pulls out of the sea. Will he survive to complete his quest? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Inch Boy
00:24:38 | Season: 1 | Episode: 220 | July 12th, 2024

An old Japanese folktale about an inch high boy who becomes the guardian of a princess and bravely takes on a dreaded giant red ogre. Will his cunning and courage be enough to see the beast off and save the Princess? Listen to storyteller Masako Carey and find out.

The Rain Bird
00:22:04 | Season: 1 | Episode: 219 | July 5th, 2024

Long ago, the people in Kemmy’s village regularly fed the beautiful Rain Bird who would reward their kindness by making sure the rains always came and the food always grew. But gradually, people forgot about the beautiful bird, and then came the drought and the hunger. What could they do? Listen to Maia Ganatra tell this moving story from Southern Africa and find out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Brave Little Humming Bird
00:20:30 | Season: 1 | Episode: 218 | June 28th, 2024

Our second story this week is from Paraguay and is told by travelling storyteller Juliana Marin – which is about a brave little humming bird whose courage inspires all the animals in the rainforest to work together to prevent a big disaster from ruining their home. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Eagle Who Thought he was a Chicken
00:24:49 | Season: 1 | Episode: 217 | June 28th, 2024

This week we have two two Wise bird tales. First up is the talented Tuup telling a tale about an eagle who was quite unaware of his amazing talents. He was convinced he was a humble chicken until one day, someone told him something different! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The Gingerbread Man
00:23:16 | Season: 1 | Episode: 216 | June 21st, 2024

Listen to genius storyteller Jason Buck tell this funny tale of the Gingerbread Man complete with great animal sound effects. This story, about a plucky little Gingerbread man who leapt out of the oven and ran away – was published in the US in 1875 and its European counterpart: The Runaway Pancake was published in the late 1800’s and they’re still going strong. Jason’s version has a delightful twist in the tale. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Topical and lovely. The best stories do indeed come from the more unexpected sources.


Created by: Wardour Studios & Kim Normanton
Started: September 23rd, 2020
Status: Active, 257 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

UKunder 5's6-1011+
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