SEASON TWO PREVIEW: Foxes and Birds and Other Animals on Capitol Hill
Leave a reviewThe Fina Mendoza Mysteries follow the adventures of the 10-year-old daughter of a congressman, investigating mysteries in the U.S. Capitol.
© Kitty Felde | 05:33
|Season: 2 |
Full episode description
Start here: Meet the Cast of The Fina Mendoza MysteriesThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
The Fina Mendoza Mysteries follow the adventures of the 10-year-old daughter of a congressman, investigating mysteries in the U.S. Capitol.
There are more animals on Capitol Hill than you might think. Recently, a fox bit more than half a dozen people outside the U.S. Capitol – including a U.S. Congressman.
In this week’s sneak preview of Season 2 of The Fina Mendoza Mysteries, we learn about the Bald Eagle’s relationship to Capitol Hill.
Season 2 of The Fina Mendoza Mysteries podcast is based on the book State of the Union, by Kitty Felde, published by Chesapeake Press. You can get an autographed copy of State of the Union, at the website Chesapeakepress.org. That’s also where you can find out more about the cast and crew of The Fina Mendoza Mysteries and a free download of the 56-page Teacher’s Guide to the book and the podcast just by signing up for our newsletter. Every week, that newsletter includes the facts behind the fiction in the Fina Mendoza Mysteries.
© Kitty Feldebop| Status: Active, 51 episodes | Kind: Story | Episode URL
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