S2E6: Red Panda Rangers Unite!
Leave a reviewCelebrate International Red Panda Day and discover the world of these adorable, mysterious creatures from the Himalayan forests. Did you know red pandas have an extra thumb? Or that their unique fur patterns help them in the wild? Become a Red Panda Ranger alongside Clementine and Corey, and learn how kids can make a difference in protecting these endangered animals.
© GoKidGo | 00:05:40
|Season: 2 |Episode: 6 |
Full episode description
Start here: S1E1: National Potato Chip DayThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Celebrate International Red Panda Day and discover the world of these adorable, mysterious creatures from the Himalayan forests. Did you know red pandas have an extra thumb? Or that their unique fur patterns help them in the wild? Become a Red Panda Ranger alongside Clementine and Corey, and learn how kids can make a difference in protecting these endangered animals.
© GoKidGobop| Status: Active, 49 episodes | Kind: Story |
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