Chapter 7: Homecoming
Leave a reviewPart 7 of 7 – One last try… Having been contacted by the Christmas Star, Remington is able to put the pieces together and tell everyone just what’s been going on. It appears that Holly may belong on the nice list after all, and the cause of Tinsel Town’s problems may run even deeper than a simple Christmas Eve wish. Holly learns even more about the inner workings of Christmasland, and even learns something new about herself just in time for Christmas Day.
© Triangle Content | 00:21:18
|Season: 1 |Episode: 7 |
Full episode description
Start here: Introducing 'Welcome to Tinsel Town' – A Christmas AdventureThis is a serialized ongoing story, so jumping in at episode 10, for example, could confuse matters. Give episode one a try, and if you like it, listen to things from there.
Full Episode description
Part 7 of 7 – One last try…
Having been contacted by the Christmas Star, Remington is able to put the pieces together and tell everyone just what’s been going on. It appears that Holly may belong on the nice list after all, and the cause of Tinsel Town’s problems may run even deeper than a simple Christmas Eve wish. Holly learns even more about the inner workings of Christmasland, and even learns something new about herself just in time for Christmas Day.
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Welcome to Tinsel Town
“Welcome to Tinsel Town” is a Triangle Content production
- Executive Producer – Dave Keine
- Written and Directed by Adam Ganong & Jenna Knorr
- Music & Audio Production by Adam Ganong
- Script Editor – Alex Rioux
- Additional Writing by Dave Keine
- Additional Music by Ken Miller
- Jenna Knorr
- Adam Ganong
- Alex Rioux
- Sharisse LeBrun
- Jean-Michel Cliche
- Kira Chisholm
- Hannah Blizzard
- Jake Knorr
Additional Cast
- Dave Keine
- Daniel Ganong
- Philip Hall
- Wayne Knorr
Special Thanks to
- Dorothy Keine
- Wayne & Susan Knorr
- Adam Raymonda
- Official Website
- Twitter @heytinseltown
- Facebook @heytinseltown
- Instagram @heytinseltown
© Triangle Contentbop| Status: Complete, 8 episodes | Kind: Story | Episode URL
The content, Artwork and advertising within this podcast is not owned or affiliated with Sound Carrot and remain the property of their respective owners.