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Episode one logoEpisode One: ANZAC Day and Wandi the dingo

This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Full Episode description

The first stop on today’s show is the post office! To meet some letter sending locals. Then, we’ll head to the beach to practice deep listening. After a quick dip, we’ll go deep into a cave to inspect a curious discovery, and then to a shearing shed on a farm, to meet an expert shearer.

After that whirlwind adventure, it’s off to a different kind of farm for our… Wow of the week!

Quiz Questions

1. Who is currently running the Ungarie post office?

2. Which creature did Diana hear the heartbeat of?

3. What animal was the skeleton of? (Hint: Short-something kangaroo)

4. What kind of sheep did Jeanine shear?

5. What name was the oyster given?

Bonus Tricky Question

What’s the name Diana uses for listening very closely to the world around you?


1. Rob, a man who recently moved to the town

2. Short-faced kangaroo

3. Starfish

4. Merino

5. Jill

Bonus Tricky Answer

Deep listening

© Australian Broadcasting Corporationbop| Status: Active, 200 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL

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