Lunar New Year and brilliant baller
Leave a reviewOn News Time today, we’re celebrating a special event on the calendar, Lunar New Year! Then, we’ll meet someone who stomps on bricks and you’ll discover why anyone would line up for hours to smell something horrible.
© Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 0:12:45
Full episode description
Episode One: Dhurga Dictionary and Matariki
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
On News Time today, we’re celebrating a special event on the calendar, Lunar New Year! Then, we’ll meet someone who stomps on bricks and you’ll discover why anyone would line up for hours to smell something horrible.
Quiz Questions
- 1.According to the Chinese Zodiac, which animal is the symbol for this year?
- 2.What nickname was the flower given?
- 3.How many games has Patty played in the NBA?
- 4.How far did Gabrielle run?
- 5.In which country did the meteorite land?
Bonus Tricky Question
What team does Patty Mills play for?
- 1.Snake
- 2.Putricia
- 3.1000
- 4.100m
- 5.Canada
Bonus Tricky Answer
Utah Jazz in the NBA… but if you said the Boomers for Australia, that would be correct too.
© Australian Broadcasting Corporationbop| Status: Active, 200 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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