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Episode one logoEpisode One: ANZAC Day and Wandi the dingo

This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Full Episode description

Today’s show starts on the planet Mars… sort of! We’ll meet some scientists returning home from the red planet, without ever having left earth… We’ll visit some strong structures saving powerful birds, and head deep into a cave to see the oldest storytelling art ever found.

After that, we’ll meet a terrific tap dancer moving and grooving into old age, before we take it easy for our… Wow of the week!

Quiz Questions

  1. 1.How long were the four scientists in the Mars simulator?
  2. 2.What colour are the nesting platforms that have been built for the birds?
  3. 3.What’s special about the kind of art that the scientists found?
  4. 4.How old is our terrific tap dancer, Lorraine?
  5. 5.Which country was the ‘do nothing’ competition held in?

Bonus Tricky Question

What kind of job does Woopsyang, the person who invented the ‘do nothing’ competition, have?


  1. 1.Over one year
  2. 2.Green
  3. 3.It’s storytelling art
  4. 4.99 years old
  5. 5.South Korea

Bonus Tricky Answer

An artist

© Australian Broadcasting Corporationbop| Status: Active, 200 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL

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