There are 44 episodes

Episode one logo Episode One: Episode 1: Coins, Robots, Bees, Food, Dogs, Microbes
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

Created by: Washington State University

USA 6-10

Started: September 9th, 2020

Status: Active, 44 episodes

Kind: Episodic

Language: English

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How Do You Science | Meet a Nurse Practitioner
00:14:40 | Season: 4 | Episode: 5 | June 3rd, 2024

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How Do You Science | Meet a Marine Biologist
00:16:10 | Season: 4 | Episode: 4 | May 2nd, 2024

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking about birds with Wes Dowd, a marine biologist and environmental physiologist at Washington State University. 

How Do You Science | Meet an Ecologist (for the birds!)
00:14:45 | Season: 4 | Episode: 3 | March 29th, 2024

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking about birds with Jennifer Phillips, an ecologist at Washington State University. 

How Do You Science | Meet a Science Librarian
00:12:21 | March 1st, 2024

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking about libraries with David Luftig, a science librarian at Washington State University. 

How Do You Science | Meet an Educational Psychologist
00:15:35 | Season: 4 | Episode: 1 | February 2nd, 2024

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking about learning with Kira Carbonneau, an educational psychologist at Washington State University. 

How Do You Science | Meet a Baby Scientist/Psychologist
00:13:05 | Season: 3 | Episode: 13 | November 30th, 2023

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world. Today we're talking about babies with Masha Gartstein, a psychologist who studies infant temperament at Washington State University. 

How Do You Science | Meet an Insect Scientist
00:19:17 | Season: 3 | Episode: 12 | October 24th, 2023

Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world.  Do you love insects? Me, too. In this episode, we meet Rich Zack, an insect scientist at Washington State University. 

Making a Difference | Meet a Youth Climate Organizer
00:13:19 | Season: 3 | Episode: 11 | September 27th, 2023

Hey, friends. I’m Dr. Universe. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world.    In this episode, we meet Adah Crandall. She’s an organizer with the Sunrise Movement. That's a youth-led organization working on solutions for climate change. She started organizing as a middle schooler when she took on the Oregon Department of Transportation. 

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Created by: Washington State University
Started: September 9th, 2020
Status: Active, 44 episodes
Kind: Episodic
Language: English

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