Dreams: The science of a sleeping brain
Leave a reviewYou dream every night, even if you don't remember them. But why? We'll hop on a wild ride to go inside the brain and see which parts help create these often fantastical images and storylines. We'll also learn how to take control of our dreams and how they make us more creative. Plus: a new mystery sound and a Moment of Um answers the question "How do octopuses make ink?"
© American Public Media | 00:36:11
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Episode One: Eating!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
You dream every night, even if you don't remember them. But why? We'll hop on a wild ride to go inside the brain and see which parts help create these often fantastical images and storylines. We'll also learn how to take control of our dreams and how they make us more creative. Plus: a new mystery sound and a Moment of Um answers the question "How do octopuses make ink?"
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© American Public Mediabop| Status: Active, 360 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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