Heatwave! How can we stay cool?
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© K.B. Carr | 00:06:39
|Season: 3 |Episode: 9 |
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Episode One: Ep #1 – Nature Just Got Real-It's a Podcast!
This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.Full Episode description
Hello Planeteers!
This week's episode is hosted by Dr. Chuck Darwin, and he tells us all about staying cool during a heatwave!
There are some super-fun ways to do this, and he also tells us how to make S’mores using a solar oven we can build ourselves!
Yes, this episode comes with a free PDF you can download with the instructions on how to build a solar oven, and what materials you need. You can find it HERE.
If you want to watch the episode on video, you can do that HERE.
If you want 10 ways to get your kids outside and off their screens with very little effort on your part, get the free report at https://www.weirdandwackyplanet.com/10-ways-report
If you want to read the Field Journal Blog, you can do that HERE.
Until next week, have a cooling-down adventure in YOUR neighborhood!
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© K.B. Carrbop| Status: Active, 36 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL
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