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Episode one logoEpisode One: Episode 1 – Suffolk wood at 6am

This is an Episodic show. You can listen to it in any order, but episode one is always a great place to start.

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The rain came down, in the early hours of this morning, as I write.  Lovely rain. Light to moderate. Temperature 7. Dew point 4.  Wind EastNorthEast, gusting 8 knots. Enough to drift the ice cold raindrops. And ruffle the leading edge of the wide tarpaulin, that we’ve stretched over our back yard for shelter. And to make the rain sound better. More detailed. More spatial.  

Nobody was there though. To witness. To feel the emptiness of the night, or hear how the rain drops fell. Nobody apart from a couple of distant birds. Night birds, that we’ve noticed on many nocturnal winter recordings do seem to sing. Dreamily, at this time of year. As the solstice approaches.

Now. With headphones on. With time set aside, we can be witnesses to how time passed in this place. Invisible witnesses, physically sitting, here, but mentally conscious of being there. Alive and aware of being present in the captured quiet of somewhere else. an empty and uncluttered place,  where the winter rain fell.

* this quiet was captured at 4am on Saturday 9th December 2023, in north east London. We pointed the Lento box out over a long line of little back gardens. It’s an area that hums like a city, but that also murmurs, especially at night, under the influence of the ever changing weather, and the wide open sky. 

© Hugh Huddybop| Status: Active, 253 episodes | Kind: Episodic | Episode URL

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