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Created by: Josie & Jemma

UK 6-1011+

Started: January 23rd, 2023

Status: Active, 13 episodes

Kind: Story (start at episode one)

Language: English

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Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – ALONSO (loneliness)
25:32 | Season: 2 | Episode: 6 | March 15th, 2024

Poor Alonso feels all by himself. He has two teenage stepsisters, who are not always at his house.  Even when they are, he finds he’s still lonely. Shelly knows all about loneliness – most molluscs do. She and her friends in the garden (a hippy snail collective and Queen Bee Bernadette) are ready and waiting to help. They have a few ideas to bring Alonso out of his lonely shell. Why might one feel lonely? What can we do when we feel that way? Can we experience loneliness, even when we are surrounded by people? Listen to find out.

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – CLOVER (impatience)
16:41 | Season: 2 | Episode: 5 | March 8th, 2024

Clover is feeling impatient and frustrated.  Being the youngest in the family means she often has to wait and well, quite frankly, she is fed up. When she finds out that her dad has forgotten to put her on the list for after-school Coding Club, this is the ‘cherry on the cake’ of frustration. She storms out to the communal garden. Thankfully, Shelly is waiting to talk through these uncomfortable feelings and impart some advice. What should you do when you feel impatient?  How do you make frustration feel, well less frustrating? Can you choose how to respond to tricky feelings? Listen to find out.

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – RENÉE (saying sorry)
15:41 | Season: 2 | Episode: 4 | March 1st, 2024

Oops, Renée has made a mistake! She has had an accident and broken an object that belongs to her new friend Leah. Oh dear, and things were going so well with this blossoming friendship. Shelly is on hand to help. She knows ALL about accidents, as she has had quite a few herself! Her trusty band of divorcee frogs are on hand to help. Gradually Renée realises that she has to face up to what she’s done. She must confront her fears and find the power that ‘sorry’ (when used correctly) can have. Have you ever had to say sorry? Have you managed to say it with empathy? What IS empathy? Listen to find out.

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – SAMSON (sleep)
17:38 | Season: 2 | Episode: 3 | February 23rd, 2024

Samson can’t sleep. He has ‘going to bed dread’. He just can’t get comfortable, and he can’t relax his mind. Sleep, which used to be easy, has suddenly become hard. He’s feeling tired all the time and struggling to find the energy to do the things he normally does with ease. Join him and Shelly in this short, gentle, sleep-time story. Shelly just LOVES sleep! She has loads of tips and ideas to help Samson find the deep rest he so craves. What happens when we sleep? Why is it so important? Does sleep just happen, or do you have to work for it? Listen to find out.   

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – MARGARITA (friend issues)
31:59 | Season: 2 | Episode: 2 | February 16th, 2024

Margarita has had a disagreement with her best friend Lina. It’s about a collaborative project; artistic differences (well, we’ve all been there) and Margarita doesn’t know what to do.  Her emotions are all in a spin. Arguing with friends feels so hard. Shelly steps in to offer her advice, but it soon becomes clear that she has unresolved friendship issues of her own. Can they both find a way to restore harmony in their friendships? How do you make peace after an argument? Can you still be friends if you disagree? Listen to find out. 

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – BARNABY (not being very good at something)
31:10 | Season: 2 | Episode: 1 | February 9th, 2024

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – KASIA
27:40 | Season: 1 | Episode: 6 | February 9th, 2023

Kasia has told a lie and it has put her in a pickle. She didn’t really mean to, it just came out. Now she feels awful that she said something that isn’t true. She struggles to know why she did it, or more pressingly, how to get out of this mess. Luckily Shelly is on standby to help her figure out a way to face up to her lie (and she should know, she’s told a few porkies herself). How will Kasia repair the situation and do the ‘right thing’? Can she find a way to dig herself out of the hole her lie has created? Are all lies bad? Listen to find out.

Shelly & The Can-Do Kids – JOEL
24:39 | Season: 1 | Episode: 5 | February 9th, 2023

CONTENT WARNING -This episode contains discussion of divorce. We realise this can look very different for different families. This episode is focused on the theme of change. It explores ways in which the character might approach some of the difficulties change brings.

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Created by: Josie & Jemma
Started: January 23rd, 2023
Status: Active, 13 episodes
Kind: Story (start at episode one)
Language: English

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